Lo-Fi Python

Jul 15, 2020

Benefits of Go and Threads in Distributed Systems


These are my YouTube lecture notes from MIT's Distributed Systems course. Thank you MIT and Professor Morris!

MIT 6.824 Distributed Systems

Lecture 2: RPC and Threads - Feb 7, 2020

Prof. Robert Morris (Spring 2020)


Go is a popular programming language choice so my ears perked up when this lecture began. These notes were taken as the professor explains why he teaches his class in Go. He also mentioned he'd be able to teach it with Python or Java. He used C++ years ago.

The beginning of this lecture was a great summary of:

  • key benefits of Golang
  • what threads are and why they're great
  • how Go, threads and async tie together

Go is Good for Distributed Systems

Go is concurrency-friendly. With concurrent threads, you can effectively split a task such as making web requests to a server into many threads, completing them simultaneously.

Golang's Convenient Features and Benefits

Why use threads?

  • I/O Concurrency
  • Multi-core Parallelism
  • Convenience, e.g. "create 10 threads that sleep for a second and then do a little bit of work"

"Threads are the main tool we're using to manage concurrency in programs."

-Prof. Robert Morris

Contrast WithEvent-driven Programming("Asynchronomous")

A single thread, single loop that waits for an event.

Combining Threads and Event Driven Programming

"Create one thread for each procedure call."... "On each of the threads run a stripped down event driven loop. Sort of one event loop per core. That results in parallelism and I/O concurrency."

-Prof. Robert Morris

Postface: Concurrent Python Context

I've rarely if ever used multiple threads in Python. Simply running a single threaded script seems sufficient for most of my tasks. Maybe I could speed up API requests by splitting into threads when making a few hundred thousand requests? Apparently I'm missing out on concurrent threading efficiency gains.

I once experimented with the multiprocessing module's Process class, which worked on Linux but not Windows for me. I ended up taking an simpler, single thread approach instead. I've also heard of using multiprocessing pool objects. There's also the asyncio library concurrent.futures modules to consider. The ProcessPoolExecutor looks promising.

Python also has the queue module. I haven't used it yet but at one point I watched a talk where Raymond Hettinger recommended queue as a good option if you want concurrency in Python.

It seems there are many options available in Python but it's not clear which tools should be deployed and when. And your chosen concurrency strategy may add extra complexity. Handle with care. Or consider learning Go if you want to use threads to scale your distributed system.

Update: Python Concurrency Success

I recently deployed the ThreadPoolExecutor from the concurrent.futures module to efficiently move thousands of files to a new folder. So Python does have fairly accessible alternatives to concurrency. I guess I'll need to try Go sometime to compare!

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import numpy as np
import shutil
import os

def main():
    """Move files concurrently from the current working directory to a new folder.
    This script is adapted from the Python ThreadPoolExecutor documentation:
    csvs = [f for f in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if '.csv' in f]
    split_num = len(csvs) / 4 + 1
    file_batches = np.array_split(csvs, split_num)
    # write to local folder named "csvs"
    dst_folder = "/csvs"
    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as e:
        for i, files in enumerate(file_batches):
            csv_A, csv_B, csv_C, csv_D = files
            e.submit(shutil.move, csv_A, dst_folder)
            e.submit(shutil.move, csv_B, dst_folder)
            e.submit(shutil.move, csv_C, dst_folder)
            e.submit(shutil.move, csv_D, dst_folder)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Additional Reading

New Case Studies About Google's Use of Go


Apr 25, 2019

Installing Debian 9 Stretch Linux OS on a Dell Inspiron Laptop and Configuring the Wifi Network

Yesterday, I converted an 11-year old Dell Inspiron E1505 from Windows XP to Debian 9 Stretch. I may have overwrote my Windows XP OS. I do not care if I lost it since it's a vulnerable and outdated OS, which is no longer supported by Microsoft. I encountered difficulty with getting the wifi to work on Debian, but was able to find a solution using Wicd. Here are the steps I followed to do it all.

Using The Debian Installer-Loader

  1. First, back up your Windows computer files. Then download the Debian-Installer Loader Windows executable from the Debian wiki.
  2. Click the downloaded executable and IMG_20190423_184816999follow instructions. I followed the default settings all the way through.
  3. You may need to choose your own partitioning settings to ensure Windows is preserved if desired.
  4. During installation, choose your Linux collection. I chose Xfce because it seems to be highest ranked among Linux users and "not just helpful for older computers where few system resources are available, but also simply for those who want to get the most out of their systems." Gnome and KDE are other popular options.

After completing installation, restart your computer and select your new OS on boot-up. The following error codes displayed for me while starting up, signaling missing wifi firmware.

ERROR Failed to load firmware!
b43ssb0:0: firmware: failed to load b43/ucode5.fw (-2)
b43ssb0:0: firmware: failed to load b43-open/ucode5.fw (-2)
b43-phy0 ERROR: You must go to https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/b43#devicefirmware and download the correct firmware for this driver version.

It took me a few boot-ups before I realized what this error message meant. In the rest of this post I am trying to figure out and fix what is wrong before I saw the error message. I enjoyed learning how to introspect Linux networks, but if I were trying to fix this problem again, I'd go to directly to *`this page <http://linuxwireless.sipsolutions.net/en/users/Drivers/b43/>`__*, which is linked to from the link in the error message, and try the solution there first.

Post Installation Setup

Open up the terminal once you're into your new Desktop OS and enter the below commands.

su -
apt-get install sudo -y usermod -aG sudo yourusername

1) Enable yourself as root user.

2) Install sudo.

3) Give yourself sudo user permission.

Optional: Replacing Network-Manager With Wicd

This Debian 9 package ships with Network-Manager. After logging in, I wasn't sure why wifi was not working, so I decided to remove Network-Manager and install Wicd. (This was before I realized what the error code displayed on boot-up meant.) Wicd is a Linux network managing alternative and it's built with Python, by the way. I followed these instructions to execute the below commands.

uninstall nm
sudo apt-get install -d --reinstall network-manager network-manager-gnome
install wicd
sudo apt-get install wicd-gtk

After installing Wicd, my Ethernet connection was not working. This fixed it for me:

sudo ifconfig eth0 up

Troubleshooting Linux Wifi & Inspecting Your System

Now, let's check for enabled network interfaces. "wlan0" is usually the name of the wireless interface. Does wlan0 show when you enter this command? If not, then you may need to update your wifi firmware. This was the case for me. Below is an output where wlan0 is correctly configured.

sudo ifconfig
eth0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
ether 00:25:a5:cf:38:7d txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
device interrupt 17
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10
loop txqueuelen 1 (Local Loopback)
RX packets 4 bytes 240 (240.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 4 bytes 240 (240.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
wlan0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
inet6 2601:241:8c00:50ea:21a:92ff:fe0d:7531 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0
inet6 fe80::22a:42tf:fe0d:7531 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20 ether 00:2a:92:2d:45:51 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 8509 bytes 4639778 (4.4 MiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 6206 bytes 923792 (902.1 KiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

Check wlan0 is not blocked on kill list.

sudo rfkill list all

Some computers have a "kill switch" for wifi. This command lists any blocked interfaces. If it is blocked, this thread might be useful. If nothing shows when you run this command, or if you see wlan0 is not blocked, carry on.

Check which wifi controller you have. This thread provides more info on what this means.

lspci -nn | grep -e 0200 -e 0280
03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Limited BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX [14e4:170c] (rev 02)
0b:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Limited BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)

Find your system architecture. This determines which firmware you should download in the next step.

sudo dpkg --print-architecture

First, read here to determine the right packages for your Linux system. Then download the appropriate missing wifi firmware. For Debian, I downloaded the two packages below.

  1. b43-fwcutter 2) b43-installer

"cd" into the directory with .deb files. Run the below commands to install the new firmware, then reboot your computer. The last two commands are adapted from this thread.

sudo dpkg -i firmware-b43-installer_019-3_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i firmware-b43-fwcutter_019-3_i386.deb
sudo modprobe -r b43
sudo modprobe b43

Edit Wicd preferences to set wlan0 as the wireless interface if needed.


Success! Wireless networks are now showing.


Wrapping Up

I'd like to thank the awesome people who contributed to the Debian Installer-loader and all the help in Linux forums that enabled me figure this out. I'm new to the world of Linux but already enjoying diving into this operating system. Its ability to do just about anything from the command line are a lot of fun. I am now running two Linux systems, one on my Dell and another running Ubuntu that I installed on a Chromebook with Crouton. Both have been relatively painless to set up. It this case, it turned a sluggish laptop into a very capable machine. They should call it Lit-nux :)

Full Disclosure

This worked on my computer for a few days before the keyboard stopped working correctly on my computer. Typing became impossible because the keys didn't work or entered the wrong letters when pressed. I'm not sure what the cause of it was, but consider that before attempting this on a machine. Be prepared to lose it. If you really need the machine to be functional, it may not be a great idea to try this. This was attempted on an old beat up computer. I would try this method of porting a Windows machine to Linux again as a salvage project or on a low-risk Windows machine if I had one lying around.

Feb 12, 2019

Lightning Scripts ⚡

You may or may not be familiar with PyCon's Lightning Talks, a session of quick hitter talks given each year on a variety of topics. These "Lightning Scripts" are ten of my favorite Python scripts that have served me well as of late to perform a variety of tasks.

Highlights include the glob, os, calendar, webbrowser and pandas modules. Plus, how to convert a dataframe into a pdf and how to take a snapshot of a website with pdfkit. The webpage pdf was not the greatest snapshot in some cases, but did capture text and many of a live website's visual elements.

If you have Python installed, paste the script into a text editor and run your .py file from the command line or however you like to run your scripts. You may have to change file paths to work on your operating system.

The first 5 scripts use modules that ship with Python.

(1) Uppercase all of the file names in the current working directory.

import os
filenames = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
for filename in filenames:
    os.rename(filename, filename.upper())

os module documentation

(2) Get all filenames in the current directory and write to a text file.

import os
folder_contents = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
with open("list_of_dir_files.txt","w") as fhand:
    for item in folder_contents:

(3) Check what day of the week is today.

import calendar
from datetime import date
today = date.today()
if calendar.day_name[today.weekday()] == 'Friday':
    print("Today is Friday.")
    print("Today is not Friday.")

calendar documentation

(4) Get the two most recent file names from a directory. This is a Windows file path example. I have escaped the backslashes below to make it work in my Atom text editor.

import glob
import getpass
import os
# getctime == by created date, getmtime == by date modified
# get all files, regardless of extension
folder = f'C:/Users/{getpass.getuser()}/Desktop/'
list_of_files = glob.glob(folder)
newest_file = sorted(glob.iglob('C:/Users/your_username/Desktop/*.csv'), key=os.path.getmtime)[-1]
second_newest_file = sorted(glob.iglob('C:/Users/your_username/Desktop/*.csv'), key=os.path.getmtime)[-2]
print(newest_file, second_newest_file)

glob module documentation: https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html#glob.iglob

(5) Auto-Hamilton Ticket Lottery

import webbrowser
webbrowser.open('https://www.luckyseat.com/hamilton-chi/', new=0)

webbrowser PMOTW: https://pymotw.com/3/webbrowser

To Run The Next 3 Scripts, install pandas:

python -m pip install pandas

(6) Split a csv file into smaller excel files.

import pandas as pd
file_name = 'big_file.csv'
# slice off extension
src_file_minus_ext = file_name.split('.')[:-1]
for i, df in enumerate(pd.read_csv(file_name, chunksize=250000)):
    csv = f'{src_file_minus_ext}{str(i)}.csv'
    df.to_csv(csv, index=False, header=df.columns)

pandas beginner tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JnMutdy6Fw

(7) Convert a .xlsx to .csv

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel("input.xlsx")
df.to_csv("output.csv", index=False)

(8) Convert a .xlsx to .html

import pandas as pd
file_name = "data.xlsx"
df = pd.read_excel(file_name)

To Run The Last Two Scripts, install pdfkit:

pdfkit relies on another library, wkhtmltopdf, which adds an extra wrinkle to setting it up for Windows users. I've laid out the differences between using pdfkit for Windows vs. Ubuntu below.

python -m pip install pdfkit

installing wkhtmltopdf on Windows

To use pdfkit on Windows, go to the link, choose your version to download. This installs a Windows executable that pdfkit needs to find to work.


installing wkhtmltopdf on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf

**For Windows, **\ `download wkhtmltopdf <https://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html>`__\ ** and add this config patch for pdfkit:**
import pdfkit
url = 'https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/grammys-alicia-keys-best-moments-as-host-1185013'
config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf='C:\\Program Files\\wkhtmltopdf\\bin\\wkhtmltopdf.exe')
pdfkit.from_url(url, 'webpage.pdf', configuration=config)

4 Convert a .html file to .pdf. (Add config patch above for Windows.)

import pdfkit
pdfkit.from_file('data.html', 'report.pdf')

5 Create a pdf snapshot of a webpage on Ubuntu below. (Add config patch above for Windows.)

import pdfkit
url = 'https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/grammys-alicia-keys-best-moments-as-host-1185013'
pdfkit.from_url(url, 'alicia_keys.pdf')

pdfkit documentation: https://pypi.org/project/pdfkit/

Final Thoughts

I am very pleased with pdfkit. I am also toying around with Python's PyFPDF: https://pyfpdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html and PyPDF2: https://pythonhosted.org/PyPDF2 libraries. Together, these three offer some unique abilities for creating and manipulating pdf files. And the pandas library is amazing for reading and writing tabular data sheets, can't say enough great things about pandas. Worth the time. Hope you enjoyed these Lightning Scripts :)

Nov 20, 2018

Packaging Python as a Windows App via Pyinstaller

My research found that for creating a single-file Windows executable from a .py file, the front-running Python library is Pyinstaller. It worked on my Windows 7 PC. My program used a Gooey GUI, but many of the popular Python GUI libraries work as well.


To install, enter this into command your command prompt or terminal:
python -m pip install pyinstaller
At the time of this article, this installed Pyinstaller version 3.3.1 using Python version 3.6.5. Go here for a refresher on setting up pip if you need it.

Using the build.spec file and starting Pyinstaller:

Most examples I found used a build.spec file. Think of this as the blueprint by which your app will be constructed. It provides the compiling settings, images and any other data necessary for assembling your app. The format for passing the .spec file to Pyinstaller in pseudo-code:

pyinstaller (run mode options) (.spec file)
Basic start compiler command to build.spec:
pyinstaller build.spec

Establishing a debugging loop with Pyinstaller

Debug mode can be set from the command line:

pyinstaller -debug build.spec

OR by passing debug=True to the EXE() function of the build.spec. I used the second option. See my full build.spec file at the bottom of this post. Pyinstaller displayed a lot of error messages while compiling my app, but it still compiled into a working .exe.

To see your app's error message, run the resulting your_app.exe from the command line. You can find it in the 'dist' folder that pyinstaller creates when you pass it the build.spec file. Set the dist folder as your working directory, type your_app.exe and hit enter. Once you are reading and fixing error messages, you're well on the way to creating your own desktop app.

Flushing sys.stdout/Python printing for Windows:

Python's design requires some code to play nice with Windows when it prints a statement. Simply add this to your .py file. I used write mode 'w'. What worked for me: don't pass 0 to fdopen(). This was contrary to Gooey's instructions.

import os
import sys
nonbuffered_stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w')
sys.stdout = nonbuffered_stdout

Fetching the local user's system information:

In order to run on any user's system, we need to grab their local file paths. I accomplished this by referencing the sys._MEIPASS via the below code I found from a Stack Overflow post.

def resource_path(relative_path):
    """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller"""
    base_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
    return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)

temp_folder_path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.getcwd())
relative_path = resource_path(temp_folder_path)

Adding library-specific patches:

  1. Below is the fix I found for the Pandas library, which I added to my build.spec:

2. The Gooey library needs some special code added to the build.spec for its images and languages data. More details are found in this blog post, written by the author of the Gooey library.

Will Ferrell Old School

Last, but not least: don't panic.

Compiling Python to Windows binary code sounds like a dauntingtask, but it wasn't nearly as complex as I feared. The folks behind Pyinstaller have done a great job of making it possible and, dare I say, simple. Stay calm, drink some coffee, dig in and welcome the challenge with a trial and error mentality. I was able to figure it out over the span of one Saturday. Good luck.

Useful Resources:

  1. Pyinstaller Github - If Things Go Wrong
  2. Pyinstaller Documentation:Using Pyinstaller Arguments
  3. Gooey Pyinstaller Instructions
  4. Pandas hiddenimports Discussion


  1. You should compile the program on the operating system it will be run on. There are options for creating a multi-os compatible package, but I did not attempt them.
  2. Windows 7 is proven to work with Pyinstaller, per the documentation. It's also what I am running on. Other Windows systems older than Windows 10 may be less reliable.
  3. I experienced trouble when passing arguments from the command line to pyinstaller and have so far been unable to get the console window to hide. Neither the -w, --windowed, --noconsole arguments seemed to work. I will update if I am able to find a solution.
  4. Now that I am testing my compiled app, I am seeing 10x performance slowdowns when running as the final .exe vs. the original .py file. But at least the program runs correctly and still does so relatively quickly.
  5. I also received the error: "Fatal error: Pyinstaller does not include a pre-compiled bootloader for your platform." I fixed this by upgrading to the latest version of Pyinstaller:
pip3 install --upgrade pyinstaller

My full build.spec file, modified from here :

# -*- mode: python -*-
import gooey
gooey_root = os.path.dirname(gooey.__file__)
gooey_languages = Tree(os.path.join(gooey_root, 'languages'), prefix = 'gooey/languages')
gooey_images = Tree(os.path.join(gooey_root, 'images'), prefix = 'gooey/images')

a = Analysis(['your_program.py'],
             hiddenimports=['pandas._libs.tslibs.timedeltas', 'pandas._libs.tslibs.np_datetime', 'pandas._libs.tslibs.nattype', 'pandas._libs.skiplist'],
options = [('u', None, 'OPTION')]
a.datas += [('program_icon.ico', 'C:\\Python36\\Lib\\site-packages\\your_appdir\\program_icon.ico',  'DATA'),
            ('config_icon.png', 'C:\\Python36\\Lib\\site-packages\\your_appdir\\config_icon.png','DATA')]

pyz = PYZ(a.pure)
exe = EXE(pyz,
          name='ADD YOUR APP NAME HERE',

Mar 24, 2018


  1. pytudes - "This project containspytudes—Python programs for perfecting programming skills."
  2. Building a video synthesizer in Python
  3. Running micropython on a microcontroller
  4. Pandas - Super awesome excel and data analysis library. The talk, "Pandas from the Ground Up" by Brandon Rhodes is great!
  5. Fuzzy Wuzzy - Fuzzy string matching python library, written by SeatGeek
  6. Talk Python to Me - Python podcast
  7. Free Programming Books from O'Reilly

Jan 20, 2018

How to Install Libraries and Enable the pip Installer in Python

Python comes with a bunch of standard modules. My favorites are shutil, glob, datetime, time, os (operating system), re (regular expressions) and webbrowser. The standard library is loaded.

Inevitably, you'll want to install new libraries from Python's rich ecosystem of external modules. Enter pip, Python's handy package manager and people's champion.

This post will teach you some Python history, show how to install pandas, and help you troubleshoot problems if it's not working. You'll find Windows and Linux commands for venv setup (recommended). With pip, you'll feel like Neo when installing new modules. Any skill is at your fingertips. It's like learning kung fu. There's probably a library for that!

I know kung fu

First, Some Python Version Caveats + History

Python 2 reached end of life on January 1st, 2020. Python 2 has officially been sunset.

Python comes with pip now, no setup is required. But certain versions such as Python 3.2 or the Python 2.7 that came stock on my improbably still functioning 2008 black Macbook, for example, may not have it installed.

In December 2021, Python 3.6 reached "end of life phase". Python 3.6 is "now effectively frozen". Read more in PEP 494. (Released Oct. 2022)

TLDR: use Python 3.7 to 3.11. This blog endorses using the lightning fast Python version 3.11.

Enter This in Your Terminal

python -m pip install pandas

Pandas is a super useful library for wrangling spreadsheet data, AKA "tabular" data. If successful, you should see activity that looks similar to the below screenshot, where I am installing openpyxl, an additional Python Excel library you'll likely want. You are good to go! This is the part where you get to feel like Neo! See Installing Python Modules in the Python Documentation for more detailed instructions.


To view all your installed libraries, enter:

pip list

Write a "requirements.txt" of installed libraries:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

You can list your outdated packages with the --outdated argument:

pip list --outdated

Use pip's -h help command line argument:

pip -h

View your system and user pip config settings:

pip config debug

Supplementary Resources

Congrats on figuring out how to install packages with pip, have fun!

Having issues? Try upgrading your pip version.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Try the ensurepip command.

This command will install and upgrade pip to the newest version. New in Python 3.4:

python -m ensurepip --upgrade

"The ensurepip package provides support for bootstrapping the pip installer into an existing Python installation or virtual environment. This bootstrapping approach reflects the fact that pip is an independent project with its own release cycle, and the latest available stable version is bundled with maintenance and feature releases of the CPython reference interpreter."

- ensurepip Python Documentation

You should follow best practice and create a virtual environment before installing libraries. venv or virtualenv. To create with venv:

python3 -m venv add_env_name_here

After your environment is created, activate it with the first command below, then install a library on Ubuntu Linux:

source add_env_path_here/bin activate
python -m pip install pandas

Alternatively, on Windows computers:

cd add_env_path_here\scripts & activate
python -m pip install pandas

Getting the prefix right can be tricky.

In the install command, the prefix is a reference to your Python executable. You may just need to alter your prefix to call it correctly. Here are some to try in place of "python". Observe what happens when you run these command variations. Good luck!

python3 -m pip install pandas
python3.11 -m pip install pandas
py -m pip install pandas
pip3 install pandas

How to Manually Enable the pip Installer

The rest of this post may be useful to you if you are:

  1. Working on legacy Python 2 or < 3.3 for which pip is not installed.
  2. Seeking to fix a faulty pip install that is not working properly.
  3. Curious to know how to manually set up pip.

Assumes Python is already installed. If you're running Windows 10, I found it easy to install Python from the Windows store. Download the get-pip.py file. Go to the link, right click the page and "Save As" a .py file to download. Then place the file where you want to access it. I placed mine in C:Python27Libsite-packages

You could also download the file with curl:

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.pyt-pip.py

If you are not sure where your site-packages folder is, type python -m site into command prompt for file path ideas.

Run the get-pip.py file.

Using command prompt's cd command with a Windows "&" operator to run the Python file in a Windows command prompt:

cd c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages & python get-pip.py

Or Linux terminal:

cd /Python27/Lib/site-packages && python get-pip.py

You should see some activity in command prompt that shows installation/updating of "setup" and "wheel". When it finishes, you have installed pip.

Type into command prompt at the same location:

python -m pip install requests

This installs the Requests module into your Python libraries. Requests is an http module which is highly regarded almost universally by the Python community.

Thanks for reading!
Check out these other posts with pip installed library examples:

fix Grammar and Spelling with language_tool_python and textblob

static site generation with pelican

text mojibake mash fixing with ftfy

a guide to making HTTP requests

simple GUI for scripts with gooey