Lo-Fi Python

Dec 26, 2019

Comparing Text Editors on Ubuntu: Atom, Emacs, Sublime, Vim & VS Code

The text editor is a core tool for writing software. I've always used Atom. Lately, I've noticed my Atom text editor was bogging down on my Chromebook running Ubuntu 16.04. Keystrokes and mouse movements were lagging and slowing my coding down. I'm also getting low on disk space, which may be a related issue.

You'll want to choose a text editor based on how it suits your own needs. In this case, I want a light-weight, responsive editor with no lag. Bells and whistles are less important. I'm also looking to minimize disk space required.

I decided to compare the apt installed package size of some popular editors. First, I installed Atom, Emacs, Sublime, VS Code and Vim using the Ubuntu 16.04 terminal. You could also consider using IDLE, python's built-in text editor as an alternative that requires no additional software.

Then I found the below command to list all installed apt packages by package size on Ubuntu:

dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n

Here's the terminal output with relevant packages in Megabytes (including Firefox for comparative size):

136    emacsen-common
366 vim-common
1071    vim-tiny
2400    vim
21648   emacs26
26870   vim-runtime
34033   sublime-text
70307   emacs26-common
193694  firefox
236965  code
607932  atom

Atom is by far the largest package I downloaded. It is nearly three times the size of VS Code, my second largest package. The next largest was my web browser, Firefox. Most of the other packages I downloaded were considerably smaller.

Side note: I also found out Ubuntu 16.04 ships with a stripped down version of Vim called vim-tiny.

Total Installed Package Sizes in Megabytes (Smallest to Largest)

Some of these editors have multiple packages they are dependent on.

Text Editor Total Installed Packages Size Packages Installed
Vim 29,636 MB vim, vim-common, vim-runtime
Sublime 34,033 MB sublime-text
Emacs 91,955 MB emacs26-common, emacs26, emacsen-common
VS Code 236,965 MB code
Atom 607,932 MB atom

Results: Vim and Sublime win for smallest installed package size.

  • Vim is the lightest-weight package of these 5 popular text editors, with Sublime not far behind. Emacs is comparable to them for usability and relatively small.
  • Atom is nearly 3x the size of VS Code and 20x the size of Vim. Atom and VS Code are larger than the Firefox browser package, the third largest of any downloaded package on my system.
  • I tested out all of the editors by opening the same Python file and making some edits. I found Vim, Emacs and Sublime were much more responsive than Atom and VS Code.

Conclusion: All Editors Are Not Created Equal

These are fine editors when paired with the right machine and developer needs. In my case, a Chromebook running Linux installed with Crouton, a few editors are performing faster and taking up less space. I've chosen Sublime or Emacs as my editor for this computer. One slightly annoying feature of Sublime is being prompted to buy the paid version from the trial version. Atom, Emacs, Vim and VS Code are free. Vim might be a good option if I ever decide to conquer its notoriously high learning curve.

[Bonus] Find the size of all packages matching with "vim" in their name:

dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -n | grep vim

Terminal output from above command:

366 vim-common
1071 vim-tiny
2400 vim
26870 vim-runtime

Additional Reading

What is the best lightweight text editor?

Atom as an Editor is Too Big

Sep 14, 2018

Making A Desktop Color Eyedropper in Python to Grab Color Values

Goal: recreate my resume in the dark Atom text editor theme (background and fonts). Sub-goal: find a color eyedropper to grab the actual color values of the Atom layout.

Approach #1: find an Atom eyedropper package to grab the colors. My first thought was to find the easiest solution, within the packages of my Atom text editor. After searching Atom's packages, the two best potential solutions were "an-color-eyedropper" and "color picker" . The an-color-eyedropper description sounds perfect: "A simple "real" color picker. By "real" I mean it's able to pick colors anywhere on any screen."

Color picker an color eyedropper

Unfortunately it failed to install and displayed the error, "Unable to download 400 Bad Request Repository inaccessible". It seems to rely on the "python" Atom package which is now deprecated. I was unable to find a repo anywhere by googling.

Color picker has easy-to-follow instructions and installed with no problem. It allows you to quickly select any color visually with sliders. Then the RGB or Hexadecimal values of your color are added as text in the editor in proper format. However, we are looking for a color grabber to pull colors from a screen object. This is more of a productivity enhancing and color exploration tool for programmers. On to Python options.

Approach #2: Use the python tkcolorpicker package to grab the colors.

The first thing I found on Google was tkcolorpicker, a package that uses the tkinter library. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, so let's find out. First, install via pip install:

python -m pip install tkcolorpicker
Then run the below script. Cool gadget for sure, but also not quite what I was looking to use. It allows selection of a color with sliders or input values, similar to Atom's color picker, but for user input rather than color picking. Nice little tool. :D
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
from tkcolorpicker import askcolor

root = tk.Tk()
style = ttk.Style(root)
hex_code, RGB_code = askcolor((255, 255, 0), root)
print(hex_code, RGB_code)

askcolor() returns a tuple with both the RGB and hex codes selected by the user. Above, we are unpacking that tuple into the hex_code and RGB_code variables.

Approach #3: Use the Python eyedropper package to grab the colors.

I then found eyedropper for Windows, which has a minimalist repository and offers a simple approach to desktop eyedropper functionality. Install eyedropper via pip:

python -m pip install eyedropper

Hover your mouse over the object you want to grab the color from (in my case, the Atom text editor background). Alternatively, I was able to run eyedropper from the command line by entering:

py -m eyedropper
pasted_hex2 CCvOYFiUgAA4DJd

Mission possible. Then I hit ctrl+v in a text file and there was the hex code for my Atom background. Some of the colors that eyedropper grabbed were nearly identical to those in the Atom text editor dark theme. Others were not quite the same. I made slight eyeball adjustments to the colors for some of the fonts.

Using Python to convert hex to RGB

Microsoft Word uses RGB codes but eyedropper gave us hex. To convert, I found this website practical and quick. Alternatively, you could convert a hex code to RGB with python:

hex_code = input("Enter hex: ").lstrip("#")
RGB_code = tuple(int(hex_code[i : i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))
print("RGB =", RGB_code)

Bonus: use pd.read_clipboard() docs to get the hex codes.

Once eyedropper sends the color values to your system's clipboard, there are multiple ways to access them. This alternative uses pandas.

Installing pandas and pyperclip with pip:

python -m pip install pandas
python -m pip install pyperclip

On Linux, install xclip or xsel

sudo apt-get install xclip

To get the clipboard contents with pandas:

import pandas as pd

hex_code_df = pd.read_clipboard()

Supplementary Notes and Links