Lo-Fi Python

Jan 22, 2023

6 of the Hottest Python Libraries in 2023

Here's a short list of Python packages making a splash this year:

  • pyscript: execute Python code in your web browser
  • ruff: code linting package built with Rust and Python
  • FastAPI: a rapidly adopted web framework for building APIs
  • polars: high performance pandas drop in replacement, also built with Rust and Python
  • buzz: Python package that accesses the Whisper API's text transcription of audio
  • tomllib: new in the Python 3.11 standard library. It's quietly picking up steam amongst Python developers. Tom's Obvious Minimal Language, TOML, "a config file format for humans"
Python + Rust logos

Python + Rust = High Performance

A common theme I've noticed is the emergence of Rust as a performance complement to Python code. It seems we can expect modularity between the two languages to strengthen their collective abilities.

example polars dataframe code

example polars dataframe code

Python is still growing and evolving.

It's great to see. Including the ability to parse TOML config files in the standard library is a vote of confidence by the Python community. I will now seek to use TOML in my own projects.

Web frameworks and web browsers are king.

FastAPI is the new option in a space dominated by Flask and Django. Web frameworks allow developers to quickly create websites.

Running Python in a browser has been a movement in recent years. First Pyodide, WASM euphoria, and now a Python library that takes Python in a browser to new levels. Excited to see where these projects go and what new buzzy libraries will emerge this year!

pyscript landing page

Sep 07, 2022

Beyond the Standard Library, An External Python Modules Starter Pack

Here is a list of external Python modules you can install with pip. These are not included with your Python version and need to be installed separately. In some cases, other options may be suitable. To keep the list shorter, I picked libraries that were chosen based on having at least one of these qualities:

  • most obvious library for its category
  • a library I have experience using effectively
  • provide a niche, useful functionality or tool

In alphabetical order:

  1. black: code formatting
  2. chardet: detect file encoding (useful for reading CSVs)
  3. diagrams: make cloud architecture diagrams
  4. Django: web framework
  5. fastapi: web framework for building APIs
  6. ffn: financial function library
  7. Flask: web framework
  8. ftfy: fix mojibake in text
  9. fuzzywuzzy: fuzzy matching library
  10. matplotlib: data visualization
  11. numpy: array operations
  12. openpyxl: foundational Excel library
  13. pandas: working with tabular data
  14. pelican: static site generator
  15. psutil: process and system utilities
  16. pygame: video game creation
  17. pyodbc: Open Database Connection client
  18. py-spy: sampling profiler to visualize your program
  19. pyheat: visualize code bottlenecks
  20. pytest: testing framework
  21. pytrends: research trends in the Google Trends API
  22. pytube3: YouTube video downloading library
  23. pywin32: Python for Win32 Extensions
  24. requests: HTTP requests
  25. scikit-learn: machine learning
  26. soltrack: calculate the location of the sun
  27. sqlfluff: SQL linter
  28. streamlit: build data apps
  29. tqdm: add a progress bar to loops
  30. wxPython: Graphical User Interface
  31. xlrd: supplementary Excel library
  32. xmltodict: convert XML to nested Python dicts

Python Documentation: Installing Python Modules

python pip install shell