Wordpress to Pelican Blog Migration Complete
This blog is formerly known as "Python Marketer" from 2016 to 2023. In May 2023, I've begun the migration from Wordpress's "Personal" plan to a free, Pythonic Pelican static site. 100 posts are now hosted here exclusively on lofipython.com. I will be posting my projects, Python explorations and technical notes here going forward. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy these Python musings. If you want to keep up with my writing, I recommend using an RSS reader to follow the RSS or Atom feeds.
I've decided to continue blogging under a new Python moniker which is more fitting of who I am as a Pythonista in 2023. WordPress gave me my start as a blogger before I had the capabilities to make my own. Now, I've switched from their "Personal" plan to a Pelican + Cloudlare Pages free plan blog stack. It's going great so far and will save me $48 per year vs. WordPress. Not to mention, I have a hard backup of all my content and host it on Github! I'm no longer dependent on a paid blogging platform to serve my blog. Huge win all around. Here's to whatever Python projects are next!
The Next Chapter: Lo-Fi Python
Lo-fi (also typeset as lofi or low-fi; short for low fidelity) is a music or production quality in which elements usually regarded as imperfections in the context of a recording or performance are present, sometimes as a deliberate choice. Wikipedia
The Spirit of Low Fidelity
Lo-Fi Python aims to find the "lo-fi" spirit of Python. Doing more with less. Favoring the standard library. Lowest possible time to MVP (minimum viable product). Learning new libraries. Exploring the ecosystem with playful curiosity. Embrace helping others by helping yourself. This is the way.