A Stroll Through Pandas 1.0, Python’s Tabular Data Powerhouse
Thanks to pandas, I have automated some data cleaning and file reading processes at my job. Here are some terms and code that have been useful or interesting to me after 2 years of exploration. I also checked out "Python for Data Analysis" from theChicago Public Library.
If I could suggest anything to be successful with pandas, it is repetition. I use it nearly every day at work. Dive into its API documentation. There are tons of useful tools there, laid out with meticulous detail and examples. I began learning pandas with this PyCon 2015 tutorial from Brandon Rhodes, it's informative and entertaining! (It's a little dated now but I still recommend it.) The Reproducible Data Analysis in Jupyter video series by Jake VanderPlas is also a great example of pandas-related workflows.
Table of Contents
- Pythonpandas Installation and Version Compatibility
- Welcome to pandas 1.0
- Data Wrangling, Exploration and Broadcasting
- Series.str & Series.dt accessors
- apply, applymap, lambda and map
- featuring pandas.to_markdown()
- SQL operations with df.merge() and pandas.read_sql()
- pandas.read_clipboard()
- converting between Series and DataFrame
- Turning json API responses into a dataframe with pandas.json_normalize()
- Plotting Visualizations with matplotlib
- Supplementary Resources and Links
(1) Python + pandas Installation and Version Compatibility
Python 3.6 and higher can install pandas 1.0.
Installing Python 3.8 on Windows
For Windows installation, see the python docs for an installer, "Using Python on Windows".
Installing Python 3.8 on Ubuntu
Follow these steps to download and install Python 3.8 in the Ubuntu terminal. To upgrade to pandas 1.0, I installed Python 3.8, the latest stable release, "from source" on Ubuntu 16.04.
If you intend to use pandas.to_markdown() on Ubuntu, it might save you trouble to pre-emptively install the '_bz2' library before you build your Python from source.
On Ubuntu, I ran into ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_bz2' and fixed by entering in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev
I also saw this message when completing install:
The necessary bits to build these optional modules were not found. To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect-modules() for the module's name.
If you need to re-build Python on Ubuntu, enter:
cd /home/erick/Python-3.8.0/ ./configure --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions && make && sudo make install
I installed missing _bz2 and _sqllite3 modules then re-built with these commands.
Installing Older pandas Versions on Ubuntu
The version downloaded with this command is about 6 months behind the current version. For me, this installed pandas 0.17 on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python3-pandas
As of February 2020, this command installs pandas version 0.24 with pip when used with Python 3.5 on Linux Ubuntu 16.04:
python3.5 -m pip install pandas
If pandas is already installed, you can upgrade with pip:
python -m pip install --upgrade pandas
To check if pip is installed:
python -m pip list
Best Practice: Virtual Environments
Create a virtual environment with your new Python version. venv wasn't included in my Python 3.8 installation on Ubuntu 16.04, so I installed virtualenv:
python -m pip --user install virtualenv
Let's create a new virtual environment. Enter in terminal or command prompt:
virtualenv -p python3.8 add_env_name_here
Now, activate your new virtual environment on Linux:
source add_env_name_here/bin/activate
Or activate environment on Windows:
cd add_env_name_here\scripts & activate
"ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'tabulate'. Use pip or conda to install tabulate:" To use pd.to_markdown(), install Tabulate:
python -m pip install tabulate
To use pd.read_clipboard() on Linux, install xclip or xsel:
sudo apt-get install xclip
I also saw a prompt to install pyperclip:
python -m pip install pyperclip
Now install pandas 1.0 and matplotlib in your virtual environment for visualizations.
python3.8 -m pip install pandas python -m pip install -U matplotlib
(2) Welcome to pandas 1.0
You did it! Welcome to the good life. The basis of pandas is the "dataframe", commonly abbreviated as df, which is similar to a spreadsheet. Another core pandas object is the pandas.Series object, which is similar to a Python list or numpy array. When imported, pandas is aliased as "pd". The pd object allows you to access many useful pandas functions. I'll use it interchangeably with pandas in this post.
The library’s name derives from panel data, a common term for multidimensional data sets encountered in statistics and econometrics.
pandas: a Foundational Python Library for Data Analysis and Statistics
- Wes McKinney
(3) Data Wrangling, Exploration and Broadcasting
Data is commonly read in from file with pd.read_csv()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | import pandas as pd file_name = 'my_bank_statement.csv' # you may sometimes need to specify an alternate encoding: encoding = "ISO-8859-1" df = pd.read_csv(file_name, encoding='utf-8') print(df.head()) print(df.shape) # returns a tuple: (# of rows, # of columns) print(df.dtypes) print(df.info()) |
Create a dataframe from a list of Python lists, named movies below, with pd.DataFrame:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | import pandas as pd column_names = ["Title", "Release Date", "Character", "Actor", "Movie Budget", "Worldwide Gross"] movies = [["Ocean's 11", "12/7/2001", "Danny Ocean", "George Clooney","$85,000,000"," $450,728,529"], ["Ocean's 11", "12/7/2001", "Tess Ocean", "Julia Roberts","$85,000,000"," $450,728,529"], ["Runaway Bride", "6/30/1999", "Ike Graham", "Richard Gere","$70,000,000","$309,457,509"], ["Runaway Bride", "6/30/1999", "Maggy Carpenter", "Julia Roberts","$70,000,000","$309,457,509"], ["Bonnie and Clyde", "9/1/1967", "Clyde Barrow", "Warren Beaty","$2,500,000", "$70,000,000"], ["Bonnie and Clyde", "9/1/1967", "Bonnie Parker", "Faye Dunaway","$2,500,000", "$70,000,000"]] df = pd.DataFrame(movies, columns=column_names) df = df[["Title","Character", "Actor", "Movie Budget", "Worldwide Gross"]] print(df.to_markdown(showindex=False, tablefmt="simple")) |
Let's print the table to our terminal with pd.to_markdown() new in pandas version 1.0.0:
Slicing and sorting a dataframe, removing duplicates, and working with datetime objects
- Let's create a new dataframe slice with only two columns
- Drop duplicate movies
- Convert the dates to datetime objects
- Get the year from an array of datetime objects
- Set the year as the dataframe index
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | df = pd.DataFrame(movies, columns=column_names) date_df = df[['Title', 'Release Date']].drop_duplicates(subset=['Title']) date_df['Release Date'] = pd.to_datetime(date_df['Release Date']) # create year column using the pd.Series.dt datetime accessor: date_df['Release Year'] = df['Release Date'].dt.year date_df = date_df.sort_values(by=['Release Date']) date_df = date_df.set_index('Release Year') print(date_df.to_markdown(showindex=False, tablefmt='simple')) |
Applying Broadcasting in pandas
Broadcasting means to map a function or an arithmetic calculation over an over an array (using apply or map) or dataframe (applymap).
"Summing up, apply works on a row/column basis of a DataFrame, applymap works element-wise on a DataFrame, and map works element-wise on a Series."
- Stack Overflow [Source]
Applying a function to a pandas column
- Convert columns to int and calculate the difference between two columns.
- Let's format those integers back to dollars with python's lambda and pandas' applymap for extra jazz.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | def format_dollars_as_int(dollars): """Accepts a dollar formatted string, returns an int.""" number = dollars.replace('$','').replace(',','') return int(number) df = pd.DataFrame(movies, columns=column_names) df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Title']) df[['Movie Budget','Worldwide Gross']] = df[['Movie Budget','Worldwide Gross']].astype(str).applymap(format_dollars_as_int) df['Movie Net Income'] = df['Worldwide Gross'] - df['Movie Budget'] money_columns = ['Movie Budget', 'Worldwide Gross','Movie Net Income'] df[money_columns] = df[money_columns].applymap(lambda x:'${:,}'.format(x)) |
Creating a new column and writing to a .csv file
- Then add the IMDB ratings of our three films in a new column.
- Finally, write the result to markdown and a csv file.
1 2 3 4 5 | # create a new column with the three movies' IMDB ratings df['IMDB Rating'] = list([7.8,5.5,7.8]) print(df.to_markdown(showindex=False, tablefmt='simple')) df.to_csv('Movies.csv', index=False) print(df.Actor.value_counts().to_markdown(tablefmt="github")) |
See also: pandas.Series.value_counts() https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.Series.value_counts.html
Notice for column names without spaces, you can use dot notation instead of brackets:
1 2 3 | # both valid ways to access column by name df.Actor df['Actor'] |
Lowercase column names Python's map function:
1 | df.columns = map(str.lower, df.columns) |
Strip whitespace from a column of strings with the pandas.Series.str accessor:
1 | df['Character'] = df['Character'].astype(str).str.strip() |
Fix pesky leading zero zip codes with str.zfill():
1 | log_df['zip'] = log_df['zip'].astype(str).str.zfill(5) |
Get a row by index number pandas.DataFrame.loc[]:
1 2 | first_row = df.loc[0, df.columns] third_row = df.loc[2, df.columns] |
Filter the df to get rows where the actor is 'Julia Roberts'.
1 2 | julia_roberts_movies = df[df.Actor=='Julia Roberts'].reset_index(drop=True) print(julia_roberts_movies.head()) |
"Get" an item from a column of lists with str.get().
1 2 | # returns first item in each cell's list into new column df['first_item'] = df['items'].str.get(0) |
Execute SQL-like operations between dataframes with df.merge().
First, use df.copy() to create a new dataframe copy of our actors table above. By default, df.merge() uses an inner join to merge two dfs on a common column. Let's add each film's release year from our date_df to our original actors table, with an inner join based on 'Title':
1 2 3 4 5 6 | actors = df.copy(deep=True) # slice only the columns we want to merge: date_df = date_df[['Title','Release Year']] joined_df = actors.merge(date_df, on='Title', how='inner') # You can pass the number of rows to see to head. It defaults to 5. print(joined_df.head(10)) |
Execute database queries with pd.read_sql().
When the chunksize argument is passed, pd.read_sql() returns an iterator. We can use this to iterate through a database with lots of rows. When combined with DB connection libraries like pyodbc or SQLAlchemy, you can process a database in chunks. In this example, it's an Access DB connection via pyodbc to process 500,000 rows per chunk. Pyodbc works on a wide range of other databases also.
uses pd.Series.isin() to check if each email is in the DB.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | import pandas as pd import pyodbc emails = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]'] connection_string = r'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\path_to_db\emails_database.accb;' print(connection_string) conn = pyodbc.connect(connection_string) query = """ SELECT * FROM ADD_TABLE_NAME """ dfs = list() for i, db_chunk in enumerate(pd.read_sql(query, conn, chunksize=500000)): emails_in_db = db_chunk[db_chunk.Email.isin(emails)] dfs.append(emails_in_db) print(i) emails_in_db = pd.concat(dfs) emails_in_db.to_csv('DB_Email_Query_Results.csv', index=False) |
In case you are wondering, enumerate is a python built-in for enumerating, or counting an iterable, e.g. list or generator, as you iterate through it.
Using pd.read_clipboard():
1 2 3 | import pandas as pd clipboard_contents = pd.read_clipboard() print(clipboard_contents) |
Use pd.to_clipboard() to store a dataframe as clipboard text:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | import pandas as pd truths = ['pandas is great','I love pandas','pandas changed my life'] df = pd.DataFrame([truths], columns=['Truths']) df = df.to_clipboard(index=False, sep='|') clipboard_contents = input('Press ctrl-v ') print(clipboard_contents) |
Convert the clipboard contents to df with pd.DataFrame() https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.html:
1 2 3 4 | import pandas as pd clipboard_contents = list(input('Press ctrl-v ')) df = pd.DataFrame([clipboard_contents]) print(df.head()) |
If the clipboard dataframe has one column, you could squeeze the clipboard contents into a pd.Series object:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | import pandas as pd clipboard_text = pd.read_clipboard() clipboard_contents = list(clipboard_text) df = pd.DataFrame([clipboard_contents], columns=['Clipboard Data']) clipboard_series = df.squeeze(axis='columns') print(type(clipboard_series)) |
Inversely, consider using pandas.Series.to_frame() to convert a Series to a dataframe:
1 2 3 4 | import pandas as pd clipboard_contents = pd.Series(input('Press ctrl-v ')) df = clipboard_contents.to_frame() print(df.head()) |
(4) Turning json API responses into a dataframe with pd.json_normalize()
Update: beginning in pandas 1.0, json_normalize became a top-level pandas namespace. For older pandas versions:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | import pandas as pd import requests url = 'pseudo_API.com/endpoint/' parameters = {'page_size'=100, format='json', api_type='contact_sync' } response = requests.get(url=url, params=parameters) data = response.json() # decode response into json df = pd.json_normalize(data['any_key']) |
pandas.json_normalize() is now exposed in the top-level namespace. Usage of json_normalize as pandas.io.json.json_normalize is now deprecated and it is recommended to use json_normalize as pandas.json_normalize() instead (GH27586).
(5) Plotting Visualizations with matplotlib
Make a bar plot of the movie release year counts using pandas and matplotlib formatting.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator import matplotlib.ticker as ticker column_names = ["Title", "Release Date", "Character", "Actor"] rows = [["Ocean's 11", "12/7/2001", "Danny Ocean", "George Clooney"], ["Ocean's 11", "12/7/2001", "Tess Ocean", "Julia Roberts"], ["Runaway Bride", "6/30/1999", "Ike Graham", "Richard Gere"], ["Runaway Bride", "6/30/1999", "Maggy Carpenter", "Julia Roberts"], ["Bonnie and Clyde", "9/1/1967", "Clyde Barrow", "Richard Gere"], ["Bonnie and Clyde", "9/1/1967", "Bonnie Parker", "Julia Roberts"]] df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=column_names) ax = df.Year.value_counts().plot(x='title', ylim=0, kind='bar', title='Release Year of Movies', rot=0) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) fig = ax.get_figure() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('images/Movie_Plot.png') |
Use Jupyter Notebook to show plot, and/or download plot from command line.
Plot George Clooney's movies over time in a line graph. [Source]
1 2 3 4 5 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt df = df[df.Actor=='George Clooney'] df.groupby(['Year']).size().plot(ylim=0) fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig('figure.pdf') |
(7) Supplementary Resources and Guides
Popular Supporting Libraries and Tools
- NumPy (Arrays and math)
- Matplotlib (Visualization)
- Seaborn (Visualization)
- Bokeh (Visualization)
- Jupyter Notebook (Reproducible Sharing and Viz)
Supplementary Resources: